TRICARE Reserve Select policy change

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A significant change will be made to the Tricare Reserve Select policy regarding re-reinstatement, beginning January 1, 2018.

Those TRS Reserve Citizen Airmen who lose their TRS coverage and are dis-enrolled for failure to pay monthly premiums due to financial reasons within their control, will no longer have the second option of seeking a new TRS enrollment.

For reinstatement requests received by the contractor beyond 90 days from last paid-through-date/dis-enrollment will be locked out from purchasing new TRS coverage for 12 months.

TRS coverage re-instatements are handled directly by the regional contractor and approved based on the following obligations being met: the request being received by the contractor or postmarked no later than the referenced 90 days, payment of all premiums from the last paid-through-date through the current month, plus the amount for the following two months is included, and information is provided to establish recurring electronic premium payments or electronic funds transfer. Failure to meet any of these three requirements results in coverage not being re-instated for the Reserve Citizen Airman for 12 months.

When Reserve Citizen Airmen's premium payment is not made at the beginning of a month, contractors attempt to contact them before the end of the month that the premium payment is due; to inform them their payment was not received. These attempts are made by phone and notification by regular mail and email. At the end of a month and still no premium payment is received by the contractor, that TRS coverage is dis-enrolled to the last date of the previous month of coverage. Upon a dis-enrollment, notification is sent to the Reserve Citizen Airman, informing them a change has been made to their TRS coverage and to take immediate action.

Reserve Citizen Airmen can update their contact information by:

Logging into MilConnect at: //
Call 1-800-538-9552 (TTY/TDD: 1-866-363-2883)
Visit any RAPIDS site at