ARPC offers services through Reserve Retirement Counseling Cell Published June 7, 2023 By HQ ARPC Public Affairs Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center -- The Air Reserve Personnel Center Reserve Retirement Counseling Cell began initial operating capability June 1, 2023. The RRCC is a resource for Reserve Airmen to help answer individual member questions about military retirement, such as estimated retirement pay, Reduced Retirement Pay Age, the Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan, and other retirement related issues. The RRCC mission is to educate Reserve Airmen by providing up-to-date and timely information necessary to assist themselves and their families in making life changing decisions regarding military retirement. The team accomplishes this mission by providing services to all Reserve Airmen, from the 10-year member who wants to know the value of continuing his service, to the 59-year-old Airman who is applying for retired pay. The RRCC provides information through virtual one-on-one counseling appointments and global engagement, such as briefings, social media presence, and news articles. The cell is also available to provide briefings in person or virtually. Units interested in hosting the RRCC should contact The team is currently at initial operating capacity and at this time can only advise Reserve Airmen. As the team grows, the hope is to assist Guardsmen soon. Unfortunately, the team cannot provide guidance or advice regarding civilian retirement. Airmen who would benefit from Reserve military retirement counseling or have any questions regarding how the RRCC can provide assistance can contact the team at or 1-800-682-1929 to make an appointment.