Jan. 10, 2023 Department of the Air Force outlines new Body Composition Program for Airmen, Guardians Both the Air and Space Forces released the new Waist-to-Height Ratio BCP policy in January, with assessments to begin April 2023.
April 17, 2020 Special leave accrual for service members Today, Matthew Donovan, under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness, signed a department-wide authorization for service members to accrue and retain an additional leave balance of up to 120 days. The department's actions to stem the spread of COVID-19 has significantly limited the ability
April 14, 2020 Tricare Reserve Select In an effort to take care of Airmen and spread facts and not fear, Air Force Reserve Command senior leaders are encouraging all Reserve Citizen Airmen to visit the Air Force’s COVID-19 web page (https://www.af.mil/News/Coronavirus-Disease-2019/) and the Air Force Reserve Command’s COVID-19 web page