July 5, 2022 ARTs and AGRs posture 624 RSG for success Air Reserve Technicians and Active Guard Reserve Airmen keep 624 RSG an well-oiled machine.
June 28, 2022 June Super UTA drills Pacific Warriors on readiness Readiness is a Reserve Citizen Airman's number-one priority -- and testing that readiness is the purpose behind Hawaii's and Guam's four-day Super UTAs this month.
June 27, 2022 Pride Month: Every Airman, Guardian has a story By building a force with diverse backgrounds, skills and experiences, the Air Force and Space Force’s capabilities will be ultimately enhanced in accomplishing its mission. The Department of the Air Force is committed to fostering a more diverse and inclusive culture across the force.
June 23, 2022 Air Force operationalizes ACE concept, addresses today’s changing threat environment The Air Force announced its vision for operating in modern, contested environments June 23, created to codify and synchronize agile combat employment tactics enterprise-wide.
June 23, 2022 624 CES firefighters train with Marines to support total force structure Members of the 624 Civil Engineer Squadron hone their skills by training with active duty U.S. Marines in collaborative partnership.
June 23, 2022 AFRC hosts in-person Enlisted Symposium, first since pandemic Air Force Reserve Command is hosting its first in-person Enlisted Symposium since the pandemic. Enlisted Reserve Citizen Airmen are scheduled to convene in the National Capital Region from July 11-12, after the last two conferences were virtual.
June 21, 2022 Yellow Ribbon events provide resources and respite Tech. Sgt. John Leon Guerrero and his family recently participated in pre- and post-deployment Yellow Ribbon events. The Yellow Ribbon program aims to build resiliency and support for Reserve Citizen Airmen and their families by providing resources and an opportunity spend quality time together.
June 8, 2022 Reserve Chiefs Justify Budgets During Senate Testimony National Guard and Reserve chiefs testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense regarding the fiscal year 2023 budget justifications for their respective services at the Dirksen Senate Office Building here June 7.
June 8, 2022 AETC launches phase II of myTraining system designed to track on-the-job training As part of Air Education and Training Command's efforts to advance force development across the Air Force, officials here announced the Phase II launch of the service’s myTraining application to Airmen June 7.
June 2, 2022 Leading by example: Senior Airman Savia Anderson Senior Airman Savia Anderson joined the 624 Aeromedical Staging Squadron in late 2019 -- and made an immediate impact.