April 14, 2020 Tricare Reserve Select In an effort to take care of Airmen and spread facts and not fear, Air Force Reserve Command senior leaders are encouraging all Reserve Citizen Airmen to visit the Air Force’s COVID-19 web page (https://www.af.mil/News/Coronavirus-Disease-2019/) and the Air Force Reserve Command’s COVID-19 web page
April 6, 2020 Pacific Warriors connect despite physical distancing Recognizing limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Pacific Warriors here and in Guam utilized innovative solutions to increase social connections while keeping Airmen and families safe during their April unit training assembly.For the 624th Regional Support Group, restrictions and
March 10, 2020 Guam 'Port Dawgs,' Patriot Express mission is win-win situation Air Force Reserve Airmen from the 44th Aerial Port Squadron here worked with the active duty's 734th Air Mobility Squadron here March 7 to support the first Patriot Express mission to land in Guam.The chartered Patriot Express “rotator” aircraft, which provides a significant cost savings to the
March 9, 2020 Reserve Chief Testifies Before House and Senate In back to back hearings, Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee, chief of the Air Force Reserve and commander of Air Force Reserve Command, testified before the U.S. House Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on Defense and the Senate Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on Defense March 2-3.Scobee was
Feb. 3, 2020 Exercise Patriot Palm showcases Contingency Response capabilities Three Air Force Reserve Contingency Response units, along with partners from the U.S. Army, Army Reserve, National Guard, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and FBI teamed up to put their emergency response capabilities to the test during exercise Patriot Palm, held here Jan. 27-30, 2020.
Jan. 27, 2020 Hawaii Reserve Citizen Airmen help keep power on at Bellows Reserve Citizen Airmen assigned to the 624th Civil Engineer Squadron here provide real-world support at Bellows Air Force Station during a unit training assembly Jan. 25.The work provided an opportunity to accomplish needed equipment maintenance support while performing hands-on upgrade training for
Dec. 19, 2019 Santa's Helpers in the Pacific Reserve Citizen Airmen from the 44th Aerial Port Squadron supported aerial port operations mid-December with the 734th Air Mobility Squadron here during Operation Christmas Drop 2019.Reservists loaded more than 190 bundles aboard U.S. Air Force C-130 Hercules and other partner aircraft for delivery
Nov. 15, 2019 624th RSG Commander, team feel the heat Things began to heat up for the 624th Regional Support Group Commander along with the 624th Civil Engineer Squadron Commander joined the 624th CES firefighting Airmen Nov. 2 at the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Field Training Area here during their unit training assembly.Col. Athanasia Shinas and
Oct. 23, 2019 Air Force announces new officer developmental categories In an effort to enhance the officer talent management system and enable tailored and agile development, the Air Force is expanding the single Line of the Air Force promotion category into six distinct developmental categories, senior officials here announced Oct. 21.
Sept. 27, 2019 Reserve Citizen Airmen support Bahama relief efforts following Dorian The 815th Airlift Squadron “Flying Jennies” Airmen returned Sept. 17, from a humanitarian mission supporting Hurricane Dorian relief efforts in the Bahamas for a week.During the response to Hurricane Dorian, Department of Defense forces supported U.S. Agency for International Development and the